Plan Name Development

Plan Name Development 2018-06-19T20:41:14-06:00

Project Description

One of the largest telecommunications companies in the United States decided to begin offering a residential TV service and needed to name the new service and pricing plans. 


Traditionally, pricing plans in the industry incorporated terms like:

  • “basic”
  • “expanded”
  • “limited”
  • “preferred”
  • “digital”

These names did not clearly convey the primary feature of the individual plans nor did they express the relative difference between plans in a manner that was easy for customers to understand.

Additionally, these terms did not allow for plan extensions or additional plans to be named in a logical manner, resulting in plan names like “expanded basic” or “limited preferred.”

In the subscription TV industry, pricing plans are based on the number of included channels – the higher the price, the greater the number of channels.

To provide clarity in communication to both customers and the front line sales and service representatives and to leverage the product name, a naming platform was established.

The first letter of the product name was combined with a “-” followed by a numerical value that roughly equated to the number of channel in the package: A-100, A-200, A-300, A-400.  This allowed customers to easily understand that the A-400 plans had more channels than A-200 and, therefore, cost more.


This naming platform has remained in place for over 10 years and has allowed for new pricing plans, like A-450 – to be developed and “dropped-in” with ease to the platform with ease.


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